Source code for dataworkspaces.kits.scikit_learn

This module (``dataworkspaces.kits.scikit_learn``)
provides integration with the `scikit-learn <>`_
framework. The main class provided here is :class:`~LineagePredictor`,
which wraps any class following sklearn's predictor protocol. It captures
inputs, model parameters and results. This module also provides
:class:`~Metrics` and its subclasses, which
support the computation of common metrics and the writing of them
to a results file. Finally, there is
:func:`~train_and_predict_with_cv`, which
runs a common sklearn classification workflow, including grid search.

from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, List, Any, cast
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, train_test_split
from sklearn.utils import Bunch
import sys
import numpy as np
import os
from os.path import join, abspath, expanduser, exists, isabs
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

from dataworkspaces.errors import ConfigurationError
from dataworkspaces.lineage import LineageBuilder
from dataworkspaces.workspace import (
from dataworkspaces.utils.lineage_utils import ResourceRef
from dataworkspaces.kits.wrapper_utils import _DwsModelState, _add_to_hash

from .jupyter import is_notebook, get_step_name_for_notebook, get_notebook_directory

    import joblib
except ImportError as e:
    raise ConfigurationError('Please install the joblib package (via "pip install joblib")') from e

def _load_dataset_file(dataset_path, filename):
    filepath = join(dataset_path, filename)
    if filename.endswith(".txt") or filename.endswith(".rst"):
        with open(filepath, "r") as f:
    elif filename.endswith(".csv") or filename.endswith(".csv.gz") or filename.endswith(".csv.bz2"):
            return np.loadtxt(filepath, delimiter=",")
        except ValueError:
            # try with pandas
            import pandas

            df = pandas.read_csv(filepath)
            if len(df.values.shape) == 2 and df.values.shape[1] == 1:  # this is just a list
                return df.values.reshape(df.values.shape[0])
                return df.values
    elif filename.endswith(".npy"):
        return np.load(filepath)

[docs]def load_dataset_from_resource( resource_name: str, subpath: Optional[str] = None, workspace_dir: Optional[str] = None ) -> Bunch: """ Load a datset (data and targets) from the specified resource, and returns an sklearn-style Bunch (a dictionary-like object). The bunch will include at least three attributes: * ``data`` - a NumPy array of shape number_samples * number_features * ``target`` - a NumPy array of length number_samples * ``resource`` - a :class:`~dataworkspaces.workspace.ResourceRef` that provides the resource name and subpath (if any) for the data Some other attributes that may also be present, depending on the data set: * ``DESCR`` - text containing a full description of the data set (for humans) * ``feature_names`` - an array of length number_features containing the name of each feature. * ``target_names`` - an array containing the name of each target class Data sets may define their own attributes as well (see below). **Parameters** resource_name The name of the resource containing the dataset. subpath Optional subpath within the resource where this specific dataset is located. If not specified, the root of the resource is used. workspace_dir The root directory of your workspace in the local file system. Usually, this can be left unspecified and inferred by DWS, which will search up from the current working directory. **Creating a Dataset** To create a dataset in your resource that is suitable for importing by this function, you simply need to create a file for each attribute you want in the bunch and place all these files in the same directory within your resource. The names of the files should be ``ATTRIBUTE.extn`` where ``ATTRIBUTE`` is the attribute name (e.g. ``data`` or ``DESCR``) and ``.extn`` is a file extension indicating the format. Supported file extensions are: * ``.txt`` or ``.rst`` - text files * ``.csv`` - csv files. These are read in using ``numpy.loadtxt()``. If this fails because the csv does not contain all numeric data, pandas is used to read in the file. It is then converted back to a numpy array. * ``.csv.gz`` or ``.csv.bz2`` - these are compressed csv files which are treated the same was as csv files (numpy and pandas will automatically uncompress before parsing). * ``.npy`` - this a a file containing a serialized NumPy array saved via ````. It is loaded using ``numpy.load()``. """ workspace = find_and_load_workspace(True, False, workspace_dir) workspace.validate_resource_name(resource_name, subpath) dataset_name = ( "Resource " + resource_name + " subpath " + subpath if subpath is not None else "Resource " + resource_name ) r = workspace.get_resource(resource_name) if not isinstance(r, LocalStateResourceMixin) or (r.get_local_path_if_any() is None): # TODO: Support a data access api raise ConfigurationError( "Unable to instantiate a data set for resource '%s': currently not supported for non-local resources" % resource_name ) local_path = r.get_local_path_if_any() assert local_path is not None dataset_path = join(local_path, subpath) if subpath is not None else local_path result = {} # this will be the args to the result Bunch # First load data and target files, which are required data_file = join(dataset_path, "data.csv") if exists(data_file): pass elif exists(data_file + ".gz"): data_file += ".gz" elif exists(data_file + ".bz2"): data_file += ".bz2" else: raise ConfigurationError( "Did not find data file for %s at '%s'" % (dataset_name, data_file) ) result["data"] = np.loadtxt(data_file, delimiter=",") target_file = join(dataset_path, "target.csv") if exists(target_file): pass elif exists(target_file + ".gz"): target_file += ".gz" elif exists(target_file + ".bz2"): target_file += ".bz2" else: raise ConfigurationError( "Did not find target file for %s at '%s'" % (dataset_name, target_file) ) result["target"] = np.loadtxt(target_file, delimiter=",") if result["data"].shape[0] != result["target"].shape[0]: raise ConfigurationError( "Data matrix at '%s' has %d rows, but target at '%s' has %d rows" % (data_file, result["data"].shape[0], target_file, result["target"].shape[0]) ) result["resource"] = ResourceRef(resource_name, subpath) # check for and load any other attributes for fname in os.listdir(dataset_path): if fname.endswith(".txt"): result[fname[:-4]] = _load_dataset_file(dataset_path, fname) elif fname.endswith(".rst"): result[fname[:-4]] = _load_dataset_file(dataset_path, fname) elif fname.endswith(".csv"): result[fname[:-4]] = _load_dataset_file(dataset_path, fname) elif fname.endswith(".csv.gz"): result[fname[:-7]] = _load_dataset_file(dataset_path, fname) elif fname.endswith(".csv.bz2"): result[fname[:-8]] = _load_dataset_file(dataset_path, fname) elif fname.endswith(".npy"): result[fname[:-4]] = _load_dataset_file(dataset_path, fname) return Bunch(**result)
[docs]class Metrics(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Metrics and its subclasses are convenience classes for sklearn metrics. The subclasses of Matrics are used by :func:`~train_and_predict_with_cv` in printing a metrics report and generating the metrics json file. """ def __init__(self, expected, predicted, sample_weight=None): self.expected = expected self.predicted = predicted self.sample_weight = sample_weight @abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def score(self) -> float: """Given the expected and predicted values, compute the metric for this type of predictor, as needed for the predictor's score() method. This is used in the wrapped classes to avoid multiple calls to predict().""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def print_metrics(self, file=sys.stdout) -> None: """Print the metrics to a file """ pass
[docs]class BinaryClassificationMetrics(Metrics): """Given an array of expected (target) values and the actual predicted values from a classifier, compute metrics that make sense for a binary classifier, including accuracy, precision, recall, roc auc, and f1 score. """ def __init__(self, expected, predicted, sample_weight=None): super().__init__(expected, predicted, sample_weight) self.accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(expected, predicted, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.precision = metrics.precision_score(expected, predicted, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.recall = metrics.recall_score(expected, predicted, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.roc_auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(expected, predicted, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.f1_score = metrics.f1_score(expected, predicted, sample_weight=sample_weight) def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "accuracy": self.accuracy, "precision": self.precision, "recall": self.recall, "roc_auc_score": self.roc_auc, "f1_score": self.f1_score, }
[docs] def score(self) -> float: """Metric for binary classification is accuracy """ return self.accuracy
[docs] def print_metrics(self, file=sys.stdout) -> None: for k, v in self.to_dict().items(): print("%13s: %.02f" % (k, cast(Union[int, float], v)), file=file)
[docs]class MulticlassClassificationMetrics(Metrics): """Given an array of expected (target) values and the actual predicted values from a classifier, compute metrics that make sense for a multi-class classifier, including accuracy and sklearn's "classification report" showing per-class metrics. """ def __init__(self, expected, predicted, sample_weight=None): super().__init__(expected, predicted, sample_weight) self.accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(expected, predicted, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.classification_report = metrics.classification_report( expected, predicted, sample_weight=sample_weight, output_dict=True )
[docs] def score(self) -> float: """Metric for multiclass classification is accuracy """ return self.accuracy
def to_dict(self): return {"accuracy": self.accuracy, "classification_report": self.classification_report}
[docs] def print_metrics(self, file=sys.stdout): print("accuracy: %.02f" % self.accuracy, file=file) print("classification report:", file=file) print(metrics.classification_report(self.expected, self.predicted))
class RegressionMetrics(Metrics): """For regression, we capture the r-squared score and the mean squared error. """ def __init__(self, expected, predicted, sample_weight=None): super().__init__(expected, predicted, sample_weight) self.r2_score = metrics.r2_score(self.expected, self.predicted, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.mean_squared_error = metrics.mean_squared_error( self.expected, self.predicted, sample_weight=sample_weight ) def score(self) -> float: """Metric for regression is r2_score """ return self.r2_score def to_dict(self): return {"r2_score": self.r2_score, "mean_squared_error": self.mean_squared_error} def print_metrics(self, file=sys.stdout): print("r2_score: %.02f" % self.r2_score, file=file) print("mean_squared_error: %.02f" % self.mean_squared_error, file=file) _METRICS = { "binary_classification": BinaryClassificationMetrics, "multiclass_classification": MulticlassClassificationMetrics, "regression": RegressionMetrics, } import sklearn.utils.metaestimators
[docs]class LineagePredictor(sklearn.utils.metaestimators._BaseComposition): """This is a wrapper for adding lineage to any predictor in sklearn. To use it, instantiate the predictor (for classification or regression) and then create a new instance of :class:`~LineagePredictor`. The initializer finds the associated workspace and initializes a :class:`~dataworkspaces.lineage.Lineage` instance. The input_resource is recorded in this lineage. Other methods call the underlying wrapped predictor's methods, with additional functionality as needed (see below). **Parameters** predictor Any sklearn predictor instance. It must have ``fit`` and ``predict`` methods. metrics Either a string naming a metrics type or a subclass of :class:`~Metrics`. If a string, it should be one of: binary_classification, multiclass_classification, or regression. input_resource Resource providing the input data to this model. May be specified by name, by a local file path, or via a :class:`~dataworkspaces.workspace.ResourceRef`. resource_resource (optional) Resource where the results are to be stored. May be specified by name, by a local file path, or via a :class:`!ResourceRef`. If not specified, will try to infer from the workspace. model_save_file (optional) Name of file to store a (joblib-formmatted) serialization of the trained model upon completion of the ``fit()`` method. This should be a relative path, as it is stored under the results resource. If model_save_file is not specified, no model is saved. workspace_dir (optional) Directory specifying the workspace. Usually can be inferred from the current directory. verbose If True, print a lot of detailed information about the execution of Data Workspaces. **Example** Here is an example useage of the wrapper, taken from the :ref:`Quick Start <quickstart>`:: from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from dataworkspaces.kits.scikit_learn import load_dataset_from_resource from dataworkspaces.kits.scikit_learn import LineagePredictor dataset = load_dataset_from_resource('sklearn-digits-dataset') X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, test_size=0.5, shuffle=False) classifier = LineagePredictor(SVC(gamma=0.001), metrics='multiclass_classification', input_resource=dataset.resource, model_save_file='digits.joblib'), y_train) score = classifier.score(X_test, y_test) **Methods** """ _dws_model_wrap = True def __init__( self, predictor, metrics: Union[str, type], input_resource: Union[str, ResourceRef], results_resource: Optional[Union[str, ResourceRef]] = None, model_save_file: Optional[str] = None, workspace_dir: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False, ): if hasattr(predictor, "_dws_model_wrap") and predictor._dws_model_wrap is True: # type: ignore print("dws>> %s is already wrapped" % repr(predictor)) return predictor # already wrapped self.predictor = predictor assert metrics in _METRICS.keys() or ( isinstance(metrics, type) and issubclass(metrics, Metrics) ), ( "%s is not a subclass of Metrics and not one of %s" % (repr(metrics), ", ".join([repr(s) for s in _METRICS.keys()])) ) self.metrics = metrics self.input_resource = input_resource self.results_resource = results_resource self.model_save_file = model_save_file if model_save_file is not None: assert not isabs(model_save_file), "Model save file should not be an absolute path" self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir self.metrics = metrics self.verbose = verbose self.score_has_been_run = False self._init_dws_state() def _init_dws_state(self): workspace = find_and_load_workspace( batch=True, verbose=self.verbose, uri_or_local_path=self.workspace_dir ) self._dws_state = _DwsModelState(workspace, self.input_resource, self.results_resource) def _save_model(self): assert self.model_save_file if not self.model_save_file.endswith(".joblib"): model_save_file = self.model_save_file + ".joblib" else: model_save_file = self.model_save_file tempname = None try: with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".joblib") as f: tempname = joblib.dump(self, tempname) resource = self._dws_state.workspace.get_resource( if self._dws_state.results_ref.subpath is not None: target_name = join(self._dws_state.results_ref.subpath, model_save_file) else: target_name = model_save_file cast(FileResourceMixin, resource).upload_file(tempname, target_name) finally: if (tempname is not None) and exists(tempname): os.remove(tempname) if self.verbose: print("dws> saved model file to %s:%s" % (, target_name)) def __getstate__(self): state = super().__getstate__() if "_dws_state" in state: del state["_dws_state"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): super().__setstate__(state) self._init_dws_state() def set_params(self, **params): """""" super().set_params(**params) self._init_dws_state() return self
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, *args, **kwargs): """The underlying fit() method of a predictor trains the predictio based on the input data (X) and labels (y). If the input resource is an api resource, the wrapper captures the hash of the inputs. If ``model_save_file`` was specified, it also saves the trained model.""" api_resource = self._dws_state.find_input_resources_and_return_if_api(X, y) if api_resource is not None: api_resource.init_hash_state() hash_state = api_resource.get_hash_state() _add_to_hash(X, hash_state) _add_to_hash(y, hash_state) api_resource.save_current_hash() # in case we evaluate in a separate process result =, y, *args, **kwargs) if self.model_save_file is not None: self._save_model() return result
[docs] def score(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """This method make predictions from a trained model and scores them according to the metrics specified when instantiated the wrapper. If the input resource is an api resource, the wrapper captures its hash. The wapper runs the wrapped predictor's :meth:`~predict` method to generate predictions. A `metrics` object is instantiated to compute the metrics for the predictions and a ``results.json`` file is written to the results resource. The lineage data is saved and finally the score is computed from the predictions and returned to the caller.""" if self.score_has_been_run: # This might be from a saved model, so we reset the # execution time, etc. self._dws_state.reset_lineage() for (param, value) in self.predictor.get_params(deep=True).items(): self._dws_state.lineage.add_param(param, value) api_resource = self._dws_state.find_input_resources_and_return_if_api(X, y) if api_resource is not None: api_resource.dup_hash_state() hash_state = api_resource.get_hash_state() _add_to_hash(X, hash_state) if y is not None: _add_to_hash(y, hash_state) api_resource.save_current_hash() api_resource.pop_hash_state() predictions = self.predictor.predict(X) if isinstance(self.metrics, str): metrics_inst = _METRICS[self.metrics](y, predictions, sample_weight=sample_weight) # type: ignore else: metrics_inst = self.metrics(y, predictions, sample_weight=sample_weight) self._dws_state.write_metrics_and_complete(metrics_inst.to_dict()) self.score_has_been_run = True return metrics_inst.score()
[docs] def predict(self, X): """The underlying :meth:`~predict` method is called directly, without affecting the lineage.""" return self.predictor.predict(X)
def train_and_predict_with_cv( classifier_class: ClassifierMixin, param_grid: Union[Dict[str, List[Any]], List[Dict[str, List[Any]]]], dataset: Bunch, results_dir: str, test_size: float = 0.2, folds: int = 5, cv_scoring: str = "accuracy", model_name: Optional[str] = None, random_state: Optional[int] = None, run_description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """NOTE: This function is under consideration for DEPRECATION and may be removed from a future version. This function implements a common workflow for sklearn classifiers: 1. Splits the data into training set and a final validation set. 2. Runs a grid search cross validation to find the best combination of hyperparameters for the classifier on the training data. 3. Trains the model on the training data using the best hyperparameter values. 4. Predicts the classes of the validation test data set and computes common metrics comparing the training and testing data. 5. Writes the metrics to a results file at RESULTS_DIR/results.json. 6. If the ``model_name`` parameter was specified, retrain the classifier on all the data and save the (pickled) model to the results directory. 7. Write out the lineage data for this experiment. **Parameters** classifier_class An sklearn classifier or a class implementing the same interface param_grid As described in the documentation for `GridSearchCV <>`_, a dictionary with parameters names as keys and lists of parameter settings to try as values, or a list of such dictionaries. The various combinations of these parameters will be searched to find the best classifiation results on the training data. dataset A sklean Bunch object with members for data, target, and resource. This can be loaded by calling :func:`~load_dataset_from_resource` results_dir The directory on the local filesystem to which the results should be written. test_size The fraction of the input data samples to be held back for the final validation. Defaults to 0.2 (20%). folds Number of cross validation folds. Defaults to 5. cv_scoring Name of scoring algorithm to use in evaluating the hyperparameter combinations in cross validation. Defaults to 'accuracy'. See `here <>`_ for details. model_name If specified, retrain the model using the entire data set (train + test) and the best parameters found during cross validation. Pickle and save this model to the file RESULTS_DIR/MODEL_NAME.pkl. If the model name is not specified, skip this step. random_state Optional integer to be used as a random seed. run_description Optional text describing this particular run. This is saved in the results file and the lineage. **Example** Here is an example (taken from the :ref:`Quick Start <quickstart>`):: import numpy as np from os.path import join from sklearn.svm import SVC from dataworkspaces.kits.scikit_learn import load_dataset_from_resource,\ train_and_predict_with_cv RESULTS_DIR='../results' dataset = load_dataset_from_resource('sklearn-digits-dataset') train_and_predict_with_cv(SVC, {'gamma':[0.01, 0.001, 0.0001]}, dataset, RESULTS_DIR, random_state=42) This trains a Support Vector Classifier with three different values of gamma (0.01, 0.001, and 0.0001) and then evaluates the trained classifier on the holdout data. The results are writen to ``../results/results.json``. """ X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, test_size=test_size, random_state=random_state ) # find the best combination of hyperparameters search = GridSearchCV(classifier_class(), param_grid=param_grid, scoring=cv_scoring, cv=folds), y_train) best_params = search.best_params_ print("Best params were: %s" % repr(best_params)) lineage_params = { "classifier": classifier_class.__name__, "test_size": test_size, "cv_params": param_grid, "cv_scoring": cv_scoring, "random_state": random_state, } for (k, v) in best_params.items(): lineage_params[k] = v lb = ( LineageBuilder() .with_parameters(lineage_params) .as_results_step(results_dir, run_description) .with_input_ref(dataset.resource) ) if is_notebook(): lb = lb.with_code_path(get_notebook_directory()) step_name = get_step_name_for_notebook() if step_name is not None: lb = lb.with_step_name(step_name) # not always able to determine this else: lb = lb.as_script_step() with lb.eval() as lineage: # Instantiate a classifier with the best parameters and train classifier = classifier_class(**best_params), y_train) # Now predict the value of the digit on the test set predicted = classifier.predict(X_test) m = ( MulticlassClassificationMetrics(y_test, predicted) if len(np.unique( > 2 else BinaryClassificationMetrics(y_test, predicted) ) # type: Metrics m.print_metrics() lineage.write_results(m.to_dict()) if model_name is not None: classifier = classifier_class(**best_params), model_file = join(abspath(expanduser(results_dir)), model_name + ".pkl") joblib.dump(classifier, model_file) print("Wrote trained model to %s" % model_file)