Source code for dataworkspaces.kits.tensorflow

"""Integration with Tensorflow 1.x and 2.0

This is an experimental API and subject to change.

**Wrapping a Karas Model**

Below is an example of wrapping one of the standard tf.keras model classes,
based on
Assume we have a workspace already set up, with two resources: a *Source Data*
resource of  type `api-resource`, which is used to capture the hash of
input data as it is passed to the model, and a *Results* resource to
keep the metrics. The only change we need to do to capture the lineage from
the model is to wrap the model's class, using

Here is the code::
    # TensorFlow and tf.keras
    import tensorflow as tf
    from tensorflow import keras
    from dataworkspaces.kits.tensorflow1 import add_lineage_to_keras_model_class
    # Wrap our model class. This is the only DWS-specific change needed.
    # We add an optional checkpoint configuration, which will cause checkpoints
    # to be written to the workspace's scratch directory and then the best
    # checkpoint copied to the results resource.
    keras.Sequential = add_lineage_to_keras_model_class(keras.Sequential,
    fashion_mnist = keras.datasets.fashion_mnist
    (train_images, train_labels), (test_images, test_labels) = fashion_mnist.load_data()
    model = keras.Sequential([
        keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)),
        keras.layers.Dense(128, activation=tf.nn.relu),
        keras.layers.Dense(10, activation=tf.nn.softmax)
                  metrics=['accuracy']), train_labels, epochs=5)
    test_loss, test_acc = model.evaluate(test_images, test_labels)
    print('Test accuracy:', test_acc)

This will create a ``results.json`` file in the results resource. It will
look like this::

      "step": "test",
      "start_time": "2019-09-26T11:33:22.100584",
      "execution_time_seconds": 26.991521,
      "parameters": {
        "optimizer": "adam",
        "loss_function": "sparse_categorical_crossentropy",
        "epochs": 5,
        "fit_batch_size": null,
        "evaluate_batch_size": null
      "run_description": null,
      "metrics": {
        "loss": 0.3657455060243607,
        "acc": 0.8727999925613403

**Subclassing from a Keras Model**

If you subclass from a Keras Model class, you can just use
:func:`~add_lineage_to-keras_model_class` as a decorator. Here is an example::
    class MyModel(keras.Model):
      def __init__(self):
        # The Tensorflow documentation tends to specify the class name
        # when calling the superclass __init__ function. Don't do this --
        # it breaks if you use class decorators!
        #super(MyModel, self).__init__()
        self.dense1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4, activation=tf.nn.relu)
        self.dense2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, activation=tf.nn.softmax)
      def call(self, inputs):
        x1 = self.dense1(inputs)
        return self.dense2(x1)
    model = MyModel()
    import numpy as np
                  metrics=['accuracy']),4)), np.ones(5), epochs=5)
    test_loss, test_acc = model.evaluate(np.zeros(16).reshape(4,4), np.ones(4))
    print('Test accuracy:', test_acc)

**Supported datatypes for API Resources**

If you are using the *API Resource Type* for your input resource,
the model wrapper will hash the incoming data parameters and include
the hash values in the data lineage. To compute the hashes, Data
Workspaces must access the underlying data representation. The following data
types are currently supported:

* NumPy ``ndarray``
* Pandas ``DataFrame`` and ``Series``
* Tensorflow ``Tensor`` and ``Dataset``, as well as tuples and dictionaries
  containing these types. These types supported if you are either running
  Tensorflow 2.x (graph or eager mode) or 1.x only in eager mode. This restriction is
  due to the inability to access the underlying tensor representation when Tensorflow
  is running in graph mode in version 1.x

If you are using another data representation, or running Tensorflow 1.x in graph
mode, you can always use a resource type that stores the data in files
(e.g. git or local-files) and pass in the input resource name to the
wrapper function.


from typing import Optional, Union, List, Dict, cast, NamedTuple

assert List
import os
from os.path import join, isdir, exists, basename
import re
import glob
from types import GeneratorType

import tensorflow

if tensorflow.__version__.startswith("2."):  # type: ignore
import tensorflow.keras.optimizers as optimizers
import tensorflow.keras.utils as kerasutils
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint

    import tensorflow.keras.losses as losses
    import tensorflow.losses as losses

from dataworkspaces.workspace import (
from dataworkspaces.errors import ConfigurationError
from dataworkspaces.kits.wrapper_utils import (

def _verify_eager_if_dataset(x, y, api_resource):
    """If this is tensorflow 1.x and non-eager mode, there's no way
    to evaluate the dataset outside the tensor graph.
    if (
        (not USING_TENSORFLOW2)
        and (isinstance(x, or isinstance(y,  # type: ignore
        and (not tensorflow.executing_eagerly())  # type: ignore
        raise NotSupportedError(
            "Using an API resource ("
            + ") with non-eager datasets is not "
            + "supported with TensorFlow 1.x."

def _wrap_generator(wrapped, hash_state):
    """Return a generator such that it hashes
    the values returned for each iterator

    def wrapper():
        for v in wrapped:
            if len(v) == 2:
                (inputs, targets) = v
                sample_weights = None
                (inputs, targets, sample_weights) = v
            _add_to_hash(inputs, hash_state)
            _add_to_hash(targets, hash_state)
            if sample_weights is not None:
                _add_to_hash(sample_weights, hash_state)
            yield v

    return wrapper()

class _TfKerasSequenceWrapper(kerasutils.Sequence):
    def __init__(self, wrapped, hash_state):
        self.wrapped = wrapped
        self.hash_state = hash_state

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        v = self.wrapped.__getitem__(idx)
        if len(v) == 2:
            (inputs, targets) = v
            sample_weights = None
            (inputs, targets, sample_weights) = v
        _add_to_hash(inputs, self.hash_state)
        _add_to_hash(targets, self.hash_state)
        if sample_weights is not None:
            _add_to_hash(sample_weights, self.hash_state)
        return v

    def __len__(self):
        return self.wrapped.__len__()

    def __iter__(self):
        return _wrap_generator(self.wrapped, self.hash_state)

    def on_epoch_end(self):
        return self.on_epoch_end()

[docs]class DwsModelCheckpoint(ModelCheckpoint): """ Subclass of tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint which will save checkpoints to the workspace's stratch space and then move the most recent/best checkpoint to the results directory at the end of the run. You can instantiate this class directly and pass it to the ``callbacks`` parameter of the model's ``fit()`` method::, train_labels, epochs=10, callbacks=[DwsModelCheckpoint('fashion', monitor='loss', save_best_only=True)]) You can also pass :class:`~CheckpointConfig` instance to the :func:`~add_lineage_to_keras_model_class` wrapper function. """ def __init__( self, model_name: str, monitor: str = "val_loss", save_best_only: bool = False, mode: str = "auto", save_freq: Union[str, int] = "epoch", results_resource: Optional[Union[str, ResourceRef]] = None, workspace_dir: Optional[str] = None, verbose: Union[int, bool] = 0, ): """ model_name is used to create the checkpoint filenames. The checkpoints will be saved as MODEL_NAME_{epoch}. Currently, only supports save_weights_only option. verbose can be either 0,1 in the style of tensorflow or a True,False in the style of Data Workspaces. """ self.dws_model_name = model_name if verbose == 0 or verbose == False: tf_verbose = 0 dws_verbose = False else: tf_verbose = 1 dws_verbose = True self.workspace = find_and_load_workspace( batch=True, verbose=dws_verbose, uri_or_local_path=workspace_dir ) results_ref = _find_resource(self.workspace, ResourceRoles.RESULTS, results_resource) self.results_resource = self.workspace.get_resource( if not isinstance(self.results_resource, FileResourceMixin): raise ConfigurationError("Resource %s is not a file-based resource" % self.results_subdir = results_ref.subpath # type: Optional[str] scratch_dir = self.workspace.get_scratch_directory() assert isdir(scratch_dir), "missing scratch directory %s" % scratch_dir self.dws_checkpoint_path = join(scratch_dir, "checkpoints") # type: str if not isdir(self.dws_checkpoint_path): os.mkdir(self.dws_checkpoint_path) self.checkpoint_filepath_template = join(self.dws_checkpoint_path, model_name + "_{epoch}") super().__init__( filepath=self.checkpoint_filepath_template, monitor=monitor, save_best_only=save_best_only, mode=mode, save_freq=save_freq, save_weights_only=True, verbose=tf_verbose, ) def on_train_begin(self, logs: Optional[Dict] = None): files_to_delete = [] # type: List[str] files_to_delete.extend( glob.glob(join(self.dws_checkpoint_path, self.dws_model_name + "_*[0-9].index")) ) files_to_delete.extend( glob.glob( join( self.dws_checkpoint_path, self.dws_model_name + "_*[0-9].data-*[0-9]-of-*[0-9]" ) ) ) checkpoint_metadata_file = join(self.dws_checkpoint_path, "checkpoint") if exists(checkpoint_metadata_file): files_to_delete.append(checkpoint_metadata_file) for f in files_to_delete: os.remove(f) print( "dws> Removed %d old checkpoint files for model %s ahead of training" % (len(files_to_delete), self.dws_model_name) ) return super().on_train_begin(logs) def on_train_end(self, logs: Optional[Dict] = None): checkpoint_metadata_file = join(self.dws_checkpoint_path, "checkpoint") assert exists(checkpoint_metadata_file), ( "Missing checkpoint metadata file %s" % checkpoint_metadata_file ) # find the checkpoint that we want to save with open(checkpoint_metadata_file, "r") as f: MODEL_CHECKPOINT_PATH = re.compile( "^" + re.escape("model_checkpoint_path:") + r'\s+"(' + re.escape(self.dws_model_name + "_") + r'\d+)"$' ) checkpoint_base = None for line in f: mo = MODEL_CHECKPOINT_PATH.match(line.rstrip()) if mo is not None: checkpoint_base = break assert checkpoint_base is not None, ( "Did not find model checkpoint path in %s" % checkpoint_metadata_file ) copy_files = [] # type: List[str] copy_files.append(join(self.dws_checkpoint_path, checkpoint_base + ".index")) copy_files.extend( glob.glob(join(self.dws_checkpoint_path, checkpoint_base + ".data-*[0-9]-of-*[0-9]")) ) copy_files.append( join(self.dws_checkpoint_path, "checkpoint") ) # copy index file to make it easy to load checkpoint for src_file in copy_files: if self.results_subdir is not None: dest_path = join(self.results_subdir, basename(src_file)) else: dest_path = basename(src_file) cast(FileResourceMixin, self.results_resource).upload_file(src_file, dest_path) if self.results_subdir is not None: print( "dws> Copied checkpoint %s to resource %s:%s" % (checkpoint_base,, self.results_subdir) ) else: print( "dws> Copied checkpoint %s to resource %s" % (checkpoint_base, ) return super().on_train_end(logs)
[docs]class CheckpointConfig(NamedTuple): """Configuration for checkpoints, to be passed as a parameter to :func:`~add_lineage_to_keras_model_class`, instead of directly instantiating :class:`~DwsModelChecpoint`. The checkpoints are initially written under the workspace's scratch space. At the end of training, the best checkpoint is copied to the results resource. The configuration fields are: * ``model_name`` - name of the model to use in checkpoint files * ``monitor`` - metric to monitor - defaults to val_loss * ``save_best_only`` - if True, only checkpoints better than the previous are kept. * ``mode`` - how to determine whether a metric is the "best" - auto, min, or max * ``save_freq`` - 'epoch' or an interger """ model_name: str monitor: str = "val_loss" save_best_only: bool = False mode: str = "auto" save_freq: Union[str, int] = "epoch"
[docs]def add_lineage_to_keras_model_class( Cls: type, input_resource: Optional[Union[str, ResourceRef]] = None, results_resource: Optional[Union[str, ResourceRef]] = None, workspace_dir: Optional[str] = None, checkpoint_config: Optional[CheckpointConfig] = None, verbose: bool = False, ) -> type: """This function wraps a Keras model class with a subclass that overwrites key methods to make calls to the data lineage API. **Parameters:** * ``Cls`` -- the class being wrapped * ``input_resources`` -- optional list of input resources to this model. Each resource may be specified by name, by a local file path, or via a ``ResourceRef``. If no inputs are specified, will try to infer from the workspace. * ``results_resource`` -- optional resource where the results are to be stored. May be specified by name, by a local file path, or via a ``ResourceRef``. if not specified, will try to infer from the workspace. * ``workspace-dir`` -- Optional directory specifying the workspace. Usually can be inferred from the current directory. * ``checkpoint_config`` -- Optional instance of :class:`~CheckpointConfig`, which is used to enable checkpointing on fit and fit_generator() * ``verbose`` -- If True, print extra debugging information. The following methods are wrapped: * :func:`~__init__` - loads the workspace and adds dws-specific class members * :func:`~compile` - captures the ``optimizer`` and ``loss_function`` parameter values * :func:`~fit` - captures the ``epochs`` and ``batch_size`` parameter values; if input is an API resource, capture hash values of training data, otherwise capture input resource name. If the input is an API resource, and it is either a Keras Sequence or a generator, writes the generator and captures the hashes of returned values as it is iterated through. * :func:`~evaluate` - captures the ``batch_size`` parameter value; if input is an API resource, capture hash values of test data, otherwise capture input resource name; capture metrics and write them to results resource. If the input is an API resource, and it is either a Keras Sequence or a generator, writes the generator and captures the hashes of returned values as it is iterated through. """ if hasattr(Cls, "_dws_model_wrap") and Cls._dws_model_wrap is True: # type: ignore print("dws>> %s or a superclass is already wrapped" % Cls.__name__) return Cls # already wrapped workspace = find_and_load_workspace( batch=True, verbose=verbose, uri_or_local_path=workspace_dir ) class WrappedModel(Cls): # type: ignore _dws_model_wrap = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._dws_state = _DwsModelState(workspace, input_resource, results_resource) if checkpoint_config is not None: self.checkpoint_cb = DwsModelCheckpoint( checkpoint_config.model_name, monitor=checkpoint_config.monitor, save_best_only=checkpoint_config.save_best_only, mode=checkpoint_config.mode, save_freq=checkpoint_config.save_freq, results_resource=results_resource, workspace_dir=workspace_dir, verbose=verbose, ) # type: Optional[DwsModelCheckpoint] else: self.checkpoint_cb = None def compile( self, optimizer, loss=None, metrics=None, loss_weights=None, sample_weight_mode=None, weighted_metrics=None, target_tensors=None, distribute=None, **kwargs, ): if isinstance(optimizer, str): self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("optimizer", optimizer) elif isinstance(optimizer, optimizers.Optimizer): self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("optimizer", optimizer.__class__.__name__) if isinstance(loss, str): self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("loss_function", loss) elif isinstance(loss, losses.Loss): self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("loss_function", loss.__class__.__name__) return super().compile( optimizer, loss, metrics, loss_weights, sample_weight_mode, weighted_metrics, target_tensors, distribute, **kwargs, ) def fit(self, x, y=None, **kwargs): """x, y can be arrays or x can be a generator. """ if "epochs" in kwargs: self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("fit.epochs", kwargs["epochs"]) else: self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("fit.epochs", 1) if "batch_size" in kwargs: self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("fit.batch_size", kwargs["batch_size"]) else: self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("fit.batch_size", None) api_resource = self._dws_state.find_input_resources_and_return_if_api(x, y) if api_resource is not None: _verify_eager_if_dataset(x, y, api_resource) api_resource.init_hash_state() hash_state = api_resource.get_hash_state() if isinstance(x, kerasutils.Sequence): if y is not None: raise NotSupportedError( "fit() method does not suppport a generator for x AND a y value" ) x = _TfKerasSequenceWrapper(x, hash_state) elif isinstance(x, GeneratorType): if y is not None: raise NotSupportedError( "fit() method does not suppport a generator for x AND a y value" ) x = _wrap_generator(x, hash_state) else: # x and y are provided as full arrays _add_to_hash(x, hash_state) if y is not None: _add_to_hash(y, hash_state) api_resource.save_current_hash() # in case we evaluate in a separate process if self.checkpoint_cb: if "callbacks" in kwargs: kwargs["callbacks"].append(self.checkpoint_cb) else: kwargs["callbacks"] = [ self.checkpoint_cb, ] return super().fit(x, y, **kwargs) def fit_generator( self, generator, steps_per_epoch=None, epochs=1, verbose=1, callbacks=None, validation_data=None, validation_steps=None, validation_freq=1, class_weight=None, max_queue_size=10, workers=1, use_multiprocessing=False, shuffle=True, initial_epoch=0, ): self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("fit_generator.epochs", epochs) self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("fit_generator.steps_per_epoch", steps_per_epoch) api_resource = self._dws_state.find_input_resources_and_return_if_api(generator) if api_resource is not None: # wrap the generator to capture each entry as it is returned api_resource.init_hash_state() hash_state = api_resource.get_hash_state() if isinstance(generator, kerasutils.Sequence): generator = _TfKerasSequenceWrapper(generator, hash_state) else: generator = _wrap_generator(generator, hash_state) if self.checkpoint_cb: if callbacks is not None: callbacks.append(self.checkpoint_cb) else: callbacks = [ self.checkpoint_cb, ] results = super().fit_generator( generator, steps_per_epoch, epochs, verbose, callbacks, validation_data, validation_steps, validation_freq, class_weight, max_queue_size, workers, use_multiprocessing, shuffle, initial_epoch, ) if api_resource is not None: api_resource.save_current_hash() return results def evaluate(self, x, y=None, **kwargs): if "batch_size" in kwargs: self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("evaluate.batch_size", kwargs["batch_size"]) else: self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("evaluate.batch_size", None) api_resource = self._dws_state.find_input_resources_and_return_if_api(x, y) if api_resource is not None: _verify_eager_if_dataset(x, y, api_resource) api_resource.dup_hash_state() hash_state = api_resource.get_hash_state() if isinstance(x, kerasutils.Sequence): if y is not None: raise NotSupportedError( "evaluate() method does not suppport a generator for x AND a y value" ) x = _TfKerasSequenceWrapper(x, hash_state) elif isinstance(x, GeneratorType): if y is not None: raise NotSupportedError( "evaluate() method does not suppport a generator for x AND a y value" ) x = _wrap_generator(x, hash_state) else: _add_to_hash(x, hash_state) if y is not None: _add_to_hash(y, hash_state) results = super().evaluate(x, y, **kwargs) assert len(results) == len(self.metrics_names) if api_resource is not None: api_resource.save_current_hash() api_resource.pop_hash_state() self._dws_state.write_metrics_and_complete( {n: v for (n, v) in zip(self.metrics_names, results)} ) return results def evaluate_generator( self, generator, steps=None, callbacks=None, max_queue_size=10, workers=1, use_multiprocessing=False, verbose=0, ): self._dws_state.lineage.add_param("evaluate_generator.steps", steps) api_resource = self._dws_state.find_input_resources_and_return_if_api(generator) if api_resource is not None: # wrap the generator to capture each entry as it is returned api_resource.dup_hash_state() hash_state = api_resource.get_hash_state() if isinstance(generator, kerasutils.Sequence): generator = _TfKerasSequenceWrapper(generator, hash_state) else: generator = _wrap_generator(generator, hash_state) results = super().evaluate_generator( generator, steps, callbacks, max_queue_size, workers, use_multiprocessing, verbose ) if api_resource is not None: api_resource.save_current_hash() api_resource.pop_hash_state() assert len(results) == len(self.metrics_names) self._dws_state.write_metrics_and_complete( {n: v for (n, v) in zip(self.metrics_names, results)} ) return results WrappedModel.__name__ = Cls.__name__ # this is to fake things out for the reporting if workspace.verbose: print("dws>> Wrapped model class %s" % Cls.__name__) return WrappedModel